Announcing our updated acting categories

Last year the WATCH Board launched an initiative to investigate how we might become more gender-inclusive for performers. Many options and viewpoints were considered during the year, and the proposed approaches were carefully deliberated. After considering diverse perspectives, many potential alternatives, and the impact the decision would have, the WATCH Board has decided to combine the eight gendered acting categories for lead and featured performers into four non-gendered acting categories. The updated acting categories will be: Lead Performer in a Play, Lead Performer in a Musical, Featured Performer in a Play, and Featured Performer in a Musical. In order to maintain the same level of recognition for performers, ten nominations will be announced and two awards will be presented for each of the now gender-inclusive acting categories.

The WATCH Board has committed to monitoring the impact of this change in the coming years and will address any issues that may arise. This change will be reflected in nominations and awards for the 2024 calendar year, which were announced in 2025.